Simply Moving NYC – Creating a Schedule for Moving in The NYC Summer

Creating a Schedule for Moving in The NYC Summer

Many people simply can’t avoid moving during New York’s hottest season. Moving in NYC during the summer isn’t likely high on anyone’s list of preferred activities, but it is an inevitability that plenty of New Yorkers bear each year.
If you’re one of the many planning a summer move in NYC, do everything you can to make it easier on yourself. One of the simplest ways to do this is simply by creating a realistic schedule for your move. Here are a few tips to help get you started.

Don’t Try to Do It All in One Day 

When it comes to moving, most people are pretty overzealous. No one wants to drag the process out to be longer than it must, but when it comes to moving in the summer in NYC, taking your time isn’t such a bad thing.
If you can maneuver things so your leases overlap a few days, you’ll have some breathing room to get out of your current apartment and into your new one. This way, you could schedule your NYC movers to help you with the larger items a few days after your new lease begins, giving you time to slowly transport some of your smaller things on your own.
It may sound cumbersome to stretch a move out over the course of a few days, but it will prevent you from exhausting yourself too much by trying to complete it in one solid push.

Put Some Items in Short Term Storage

Try to find a moving company that allows you the option of placing some of your things in short term storage with them until you’re ready to unpack. This will allow you to further slow down the inevitable rush of moving.
By placing items in short term storage, you can set yourself on a predefined unpacking schedule. If you know that the rest of your items will arrive in a week, you will be more motivated to get the items currently in your apartment unpacked before then.

Start First Thing in The Morning

NYC summers are hot and humid, which means they are particularly good at causing dehydration and heat exhaustion. Because of this, you should try to begin the moving process as early in the morning as possible, when the heat is still somewhat manageable.
If you’ve built some extra time into your moving schedule, you could split the move up into several mornings so that the process never has to extend into the hottest hours of the day. Though it won’t exactly be brisk even first thing in the morning, it will at least be more comfortable than the afternoon.
If you could use a little extra help figuring out how best to schedule your summer move, get in touch with us for a free estimate and we’ll do everything we can to assist you!

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