Simply Moving NYC – Things to Avoid When Moving With your Child to New York City

Things to Avoid When Moving With your Child to New York City

Having a child can be loving, entertaining, and scary at the same time. Because of high emotions, problems can arise when moving, especially to as populated of an area as New York City. Be sure to avoid key things that can easily turn into issues while moving.

Watch out for:

  • Leaving them alone
  • Being bored
  • Packing everything away

Leaving them Alone

Kids, especially when younger, have a vivid imagination. This can work in both positive and negative ways. Be sure to avoid leaving your children alone when moving. If you do, they can wander and disappear into a bad situation. For example, if you are moving from a suburban street to a busy city one, your children can grow curious about cars and streets. Keep an eye on them to make sure they don’t wander off and get hurt. Additionally, when you first move in to your home, it may not be best to leave your kids alone for the first few nights. Before you do, be sure to “childproof” your new home and make sure it is safe for them. Also, because of a child’s imagination, they can grow fearful of an unfamiliar environment. Ensure them there are no monsters hiding in the closet, and be sure to be understanding of their fears. Remember, communication is key!

Being Bored

A bored child can wreak havoc on a new home. If you let your child run free with an imaginative mind, they are sure to get into trouble. To prevent being bored, plan a list of safe activities for them to participate in. These can be anything from playing with a toy to listening to an audio book. Provide them snacks when they want it, and remember to give them lots of hugs and love. Kids can often feel disposed when moving due to the busy schedules and lack of attention, so set aside some time to play with your children.

Packing Everything Away

If you pack your children’s items away, be sure to leave some toys out they love to play with. If you forget to do this, children can get rowdy. To calm the loudness during a move, make up games to play with them along the move in New York City. There are plenty of things to see outside of car windows. Try playing the license plate bingo game. Make a set of bingo cards with various state names on the squares and have them look at cars outside for their license plate state. When they see a state on the board, cross it off. Be sure to leave your kids with something to do when moving!

Children’s Emotions

Children can get emotional when moving to a new place. Keep this in mind when moving, and don’t neglect their emotions. Just because they may not remember every aspect of the move in the future, that doesn’t mean they won’t be upset in the moment. Avoid conflict with children while moving to New York City to have a fun, safe move.

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